jueves, diciembre 07, 2006


To speak about my labour life I have to make a big effort to remember when I began to work because there are a lot of time of this, but I'll try it.

When I finished the last secondary school course I began in the University to study Business, but I wanted above all to be free. Of course I was a free person, but for me you achieved your real freedom when you had your job. I didn't like at all to ask for money to my parents. That's why I studied and tried to get work. And when I was 20 I passed the exams to work in my actual company, the Railway National Company.

My job would be to work in any station in Spain in all the different places like traffic trains control, ticket offices, goods vans or containers registration, cars control, etc. But before that, I had to pass all the courses and a practises period in some stations. I was in Leon, Coru?a and small stations, wich are actually closed.

I'm in my actual posting for 23 years because I liked this city and I have preferred to be here and not to change going to any station of Spain.

Writing about the motivation in the work and If I like it, I'd say that I didn't choose this job. This job chose me, buy I have always tried to do my best. It would be terrible being so many years working and to feel unhappy. The best thing in jobs like mine is that you can change of activity and the city if you want and all the works are very different. For me working is as I had to pay part of my time to pass the rest as I wanted but of course, happily.